Coming Soon: The Fortress of Dr. Neb
I may not have a single encounter written down on paper, but I figured I'd try to make the cover art. So here it is!
I've been debating what level to make it, so I figured I'd take it to the next level and start at level 2. That may change, though.
This module will be different than the last:
- It's longer, spanning at least one level and possibly a bit of the next one.
- It will have certain areas that don't follow the encounter-after-encounter style. Large areas with multiple wandering monsters that the players could take out selectively or accidentally get everything's attention all at once.
- Possible use of vehicles. Don't know if I can work it in to the story yet.
- A single "big evil overlord" - the fiendish and diabolical Dr. Neb - that's scheming, smart and wants you dead!
- More zaniness than the last campaign!
During the development of the campaign I might be providing some teasers... Flex my advertising experience a bit. 🙂
And while I'm making this module, I've already considered my next encounter: a higher level (level 8-10) encounter centered around where it all started: the LHC. That one will probably be a big undertaking.
Stay tuned everybody!
May 24th, 2011 - 15:07
That looks great. I’m looking forward to it.