





Dreams of a Byline
We are currently about a fourth of the way through a submission window for Dungeon and Dragon magazines (DDI, for short). But early in the cycle a discussion cropped up on Twitter about why people want to be published in DDI in the first place, and why those same people just forget DDI and publish content on their own.
The Reasons to Submit
So why do people try and get published in DDI in the first place? There are a variety of reasons...
- For the Money: *snort!* Yeah, I know what you're thinking... Suggest this to almost any professional game designer and they'll probably laugh in your face. Sure, there are a few game designers that have made bazillions in the industry - John Carmack, Warren Spector, Sid Meier, Hideo Kojima and the like - but they are a rare breed, and they managed to create the right product at the right time. In fact, when you compare the amount of time you spend designing a game to the amount of money you stand to make from it you're looking at pennies on the dollar. So if you're looking to enter the lavish life of a freelance game designer, got news for you... Keep your day job.
- For Personal Pride: To many, being published in a major magazine is a rite of passage, a realization that your ideas were cool enough to get through the sea of slush that Wizards of the Coast must receive during every submission window. It's an acknowledgement that your ideas aren't crap and someone out there actually liked something you did. It might not mean anything to anyone you know, and your family might look at you as if you were nuts, but damn it... it's COOL! It's like seeing your name in lights on Broadway! You can't wait to frame your first article and hang it in my den!
- For the Greater Good: You have a brilliant idea, or at least one you think is really cool, and you think that there are many out there that could benefit from it. But how to let them know when your blog gets an earth-shattering eleven users a day? DDI has guaranteed readers - thousands of them - and if your article is as useful as you think it is, the exposure that DDI provides ensures that it reaches as many people as possible. And you feel better about using them to help support the community you're a part of and have grown to love.
- For Your Resume: Depending on your line of work, putting on your resume that you were a "freelance writer for Wizards of the Coast" could be a very big deal. Hell, I'm a computer programmer with 30 years experience... That won't mean squat on my resume but damn straight I'm going to put it in there when it happens.
- Because It's There: You got this idea and you're going to publish it no matter what. Why not send it to DDI? If they say "no", you can turn around and just publish it on your own. Either way, the world will see what you've written; it might not be with as much fanfare, but it's gonna get written no matter what WotC says.
As I've mentioned before, I've submitted many a time and actually have one article in the pipeline (I think anyway... Until I see it in print, I'll always be a skeptic). Of all the above, I think I fall in to #2 and #5, in that order. Damn straight the article's going up on my wall when it gets published, right next to my other ones (in case you're wondering, I've been in the Miami Herald, The Sun Sentinel, PC Magazine, a few other video game magazines and... er... the Tallahassee Democrat. Don't ask about that last one...)
The Wonders of Self-Publishing, or Lack Thereof
There's an interesting statistic I need to mention: according to Greg Bilsland himself, last cycle they received in excess of a thousand submissions for DDI. Now I don't know the exact numbers, but we can estimate how many of those might become articles: 12 months, 2 magazines, and let's say 6 accepted submissions each month (may be less if you consider regular authors that have articles every month)... that means 100-150 submissions a year or 50-75 submissions a cycle, which is probably a high number.
So 1,000 submissions go in, and 50-75 might get published. So what happened to the rest? If every one of the rejected authors would turn around and just publish what they suggested on their own, we'd be so up to our eyeballs in 4th Edition content we wouldn't know what to do with it all. Yet I can count the publishers I can think of in one hand (myself not included); why aren't there more?
There's a lot of reasons people don't self-publish.
It's Work: There's a big difference between creating an adventure and making it look good on paper. For every hour I spend designing encounters I spent 5 hours drawing maps and 10 hours doing layout in Adobe InDesign. And unless you're experienced in it and have adequate tools to do it - not many people can drop hundreds on dollars on Adobe CS5 Master Suite - it's a lot of damn work.
The amount of work depends on how you choose to express yourself and your product. Sersa from Save Versus Death reportedly does all his work in Microsoft Word, which quite frankly is staggering to me; I use MSWord for more than 5 minutes and I have to resist putting my fist through the screen, but he manages to create a fantastic looking product with the tool. You can perform miracles with nominal tools, you just got to know how to use them.
I admit I put a lot of work in to my products, but that's not because it's necessary; I do it because that's just the way I am. You don't need to create 38 detailed, high resolution encounter maps every time you have an adventure... Make it simple and get it out there. Draw it with a pencil if you have to, just do it.
Rejection: I can imagine a lot of people interpret "we are not interested in pursuing your submission at this time" to mean "What is this crap? Are you f&*#!%g serious?!? What the hell are you thinking?!? No, no, no... Sweet mother of God, no!" *DELETE!*
Look at the numbers above: 1,000 submissions turn in to about 50-75 publications. That's a mere 5-8%, give or take, so there's a lot that doesn't make the cut. And when you factor the amount of time and work it takes to get something published - remember that every article needs to get edited by several people and could call for more than one piece of really nice artwork - there simply isn't enough time to get everything published.
Some of the best ideas have to be left behind, and there's no reason to take it personally. There's a big difference between WotC not liking your idea and WotC having to pass on your idea simply because they don't have a choice.
But if they do answer "are you f&*#!%g serious?!?", you might want to reconsider.
Lack of a Venue: A lot of people who are submitting to DDI probably don't have any other public venue to release their product. They may not have anything more than an email address, so if they decide to publish anyway their product might simply disappear through the cracks amongst the other more visible blogs and sites. Sure you can publish through Drive Thru RPG, but your product might simply get lost amidst the sea of other content that flows through that site on a daily basis.
And let's say that you do publish it on Drive Thru RPG; you cannot expect thousands of people to download it within the hour. I admit I myself had some feelings of rejection when I published my first product and nobody downloaded it for a week. Heck, my most recent product - A Hero's Journey - has had only had about a dozen downloads. There are a variety of reasons why that's happening with AHJ, the biggest reason of which is that I simply have lousy timing (that's a topic for a later date).
Do not let the lack of an audience dissuade you. Get the product out there, then learn to do some self-marketing and go get your audience. If you continue to develop products that people might actually want, over time you won't have to hunt for customers; they'll come to you.
Fear of Lawsuit: I find it necessary to mention this simply because it is one of the reasons, however infrequent it may occur. Then again, it occurs to me... a lot. You see, the whole world that is 4th Edition material is governed by the 4E GSL. As a result, there are several things that you simply can't publish because Wizards of the Coast won't let you. Have an adventure idea with a beholder in it? Displacer beast? Umber hulk? Sorry, no. We can't let you do that... Unless you publish it through DDI. It's not like WotC is going to "cease and desist" themselves.
As you know, I like Gamma World a lot, so every chance I get I offer to create something... anything... Gamma World related simply because DDI is the only avenue through which I would be able to do such a thing.
This is a legitimate problem, and honestly one that you can't do much about. Simple answer: don't create anything that might get you sued. Trust me.
So, in a nutshell, there's nothing stopping you from publishing. If DDI tells you "no", buck up and do it anyway. The same people that complain about the lack of 4E material are those that don't publish their own ideas. I hope this trend doesn't continue with 5th edition, and I look forward to the onslaught of content as soon as it launches.
On a related note, I've been working on an article describing what is actually involved in getting something published through DDI. It's somewhat of a touchy subject, and I have to be sure to tread the line due to my NDA, but hopefully I'll be able to post that soon. There may be a delay since I'll probably require WotC to approve it, though; I submitted the article to DDI and they passed on it, but I'm going to do it on my own anyway just because I can.
The Blink Dog
Earlier today, someone joked on Twitter that "the new edition of D&D better have blink dogs!"
Prior to that post, I had never realized that the blink dog didn't exist in D&D 4E. Of course I remember it, and I've actually used it on more than one occasion. In 4E I actually created a similar creature in my campaign The Coming Dark, only it was a panther and not a dog. The fact that it didn't exist in 4E is, to be honest, quite surprising.
So in five minutes I created one.
I couldn't do a convincing conversion because in 3.5E the dog's Blink and Dimension Door abilities are free actions, which just doesn't fit in to the 4E mechanic. So I decided to make Dimension Door a move action (similar to the wizard's power of the same name) and the Blink ability a rechargeable minor action.
I haven't bothered doing additional lore on it, but as per the D20 SRD these little beasts are capable of communicating with each other using their own language which... well... sounds like dogs barking.
You are free to do with this as you wish. Suggestions are welcome on this one, and if you do decide to use it or modify it in some way I'd like to hear about it.
In the Works
First off, I now see why D&D wasn't to keen on my "Drizzt for President" items... Today they announced Rise of the Underdark at PAX East. Amongst the items they were giving out there was a "Lolth 2012" button. My timing is impeccable, isn't it?
Anyway, whereas a few days ago I had zero ideas on what to create next, in the past few days I have three I've decided to pursue:
- A D&D 4E Fourthcore-style delve called... er... Something of the Crystal Something. OK, so I haven't decided on the complete name yet, but "crystal" is involved; that much I know. I was considering making it an epic adventure but I have almost zero experience in doing anything epic (only epic things I've done are bits and pieces in Items of Legend) so I'm kind of afraid, so the adventure will be targeted towards a party ofg 15th level characters. Instead of doing the style of maps I usually do, I think I'm going "old school" black and white (blue and white?) for this one. This product will probably be distributed for free.
- A drow-themed adventure tenatively called Den of the Dark Mistress. I've actually been thinking about this one for a while, and a lot of it is based on one section of The Coming Dark that was somewhat out of place in that module, so I'm recycling it. This adventure may be for both Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition and Pathfinder, if I can find the time to get around to it.
- A war-themed adventure for Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition. I honestly don't know what the adventure will be about, but I recently was flipping through the Heroes of Battle supplement for D&D 3.5E and I was inspired. I haven't decided who will be fighting who, but the execution of it will be more than tactical encounters; I intend to provide a variety of options - from skill challenge to roleplaying situations - so that players can work on getting the victory points needed to prevent their home city's destruction. This may be a ways out.
In addition to all of the above, I still have The Heart of Fire just sitting there, waiting to get some attention and for me to decide what exactly I'm going to do with it. For now I'm not going to do a Kickstarter for it like I had planned; I don't see it as worthwhile right now.
As you can see, I have no intention of completely abandoning the 4th Edition. The above projects are significantly smaller than the 130+ page behemoths that are The Heart of Fire and The Coming Dark, Chapter One, so I should be able to knock those out quickly.
I am also working on creating my own store front so I can offer products directly through my domain instead of always using Drive Thru RPG. I got PayPal integration and PDF digital signing done, and next on the list is Google Checkout and Amazon Payments. Hopefully that will be ready soon.
Finally, I have an idea orbiting my head about a full on RPG game I'm considering developing. One could say the RPG I have in mind has been done before, but I might do it anyway. It will be somewhat future-themed, and will hopefully fill the void in my mind and heart that was once Gamma World. I have yet to decide on what game mechanic to use, but there are several inviting options that I'm pursuing. If I decode to go on with this, then a Kickstarter will defintiely follow.
Stay tuned everybody.
"Ever forward..."
World of Fools
Even though I have sometimes participated in the antics, I really hate April Fools day. It's the sort of day when I should disconnect from everything and just crawl in to a closet, refusing to come out until 12:01am. I almost accomplished that today - went with the family to the beach - but I still managed to get online for an hour or so and experience the misery that is April Fools.
I don't really mind companies that participate in the April Fools antics so long as it doesn't directly interfere with customers or business practices. Just because Google decided to make an 8-bit version of Google Maps I still have access to the traditional system; I'm not forced to accept the goofy material made for this certain day because it's being rammed down my throat with no alternative. This situation is particularly annoying in cases of websites that decide to change their entire layout, and have made their websites unusable in the process. Last year several websites went the 8-bit route, and WotC themselves even cannibalized their home page in black and white once. Sites that I needed or depended on in one way or another were suddenly rendered useless just because someone at the company wanted to be cute and overhaul the template.
But the purpose of this post is not because of that (mainly because I've managed to avoid all that this year), but critical of Wizards of the Coast.
You see, in addition to April 1st being April Fools it is also the start of WotC's new submission window. The floodgates are open once again, and anyone and everyone can submit material in the hopes that they get published.
... But what to write about? Prior to April 1st, there was little indication of the sort of things they were expecting this cycle. Then, on April 1st, this article was posted.
I have two major problems with this article:
1) If read in its entirety, it's fairly obvious that it is a joke. But this bothered me:
D&D Gamma World: Our limited D&D Gamma World® product line made a big radioactive splash last year, and the game is 4th Edition compatible. We think our subscribers are ready for more D&D Gamma World support.
First of all, I admit it: I've been the one that has pretty much offered Gamma World content every time there was a submission window. I've ahd at least three different people tell me "Sorry, but no" in response to a submission email. This year I promised myself I would not do such a thing; if WotC doesn't want to pursue it, I won't either. So, quite honestly, the above statement almost felt like it was directed personally at me.
Secondly, if you take it to be an April Fools you can only assume that what they really mean is the opposite of what they're saying. Now it's one thing to not support a product any more, but to turn around and effectively suggest you really mean "Gamma World? Screw that!" is a stab at the game itself. Gamma World isn't just the forgotten child... it's the bastard one that nobody wants to acknowledge exists.
Gamma World does have an audience, and still has lots of people actively playing it. I don't know what brought on this attitude towards the game by its creators, but it's unwarranted. I accepted the "no more Gamma World content" statement at DDXP, but don't sandblast salt in to the open wound. If you want it dead, let it die peacefully.
2) So the submission window is now open... and the only guidance we have as to what materials they would like to see is a document that is - by design - a joke.You were open to make submissions, but you had absolutely no idea what they did or did not want; if you were excited to submit some ideas, like I was, you had no means to gauge whether they would be even remotely interested in them.
Only today, April 2nd, did they posted what they really want or don't want.
I sent a submission in already; I'd been thinking about it for a few days, typed it all up, and sent it early this morning before going about my day. I was going based on the information that I had, which was none. And this time I technically did not offer Gamma World content, but I did slightly rail on them for the reason I mention in #1 above.
Now I wish I could take that submission email back. Because, exactly 24 hours after the submission window opened, I am now told that what I sent is not what they want. I submitted options that they now explicitly state they are not interested in through the article posted today (April 2nd); had I known that when the submission window opened I would not have bothered, and now I look like an idiot for offering content they publicly stated they're not interested in.
So I'm kind of bothered, disillusioned and demoralized... I can't take what I sent back, so now I wait for the inevitable "God no, we don't want that. Ever!" email to come back from whomever's reading these things. I could have submitted other ideas, sure... But it may take a few days before my aggravation and anger subsides. And even so, if I send yet another email to them with "ignore my last one, this one is for real!" content, it feels like I'm spamming them. At this point I probably won't submit anything more this cycle, and I can only pray that the submissions I have sent in aren't laughed at for too long.
If anyone at WotC is reading this, let me offer some suggestions:
- If you're going to offer suggestions on what you want or don't want, do it BEFORE April 1st. Not 24 hours after the window opens, because in those 24 hours people will submit things while being unaware of your expectations.
- Do not mock the submission content on April 1st without setting a foundation of what you want or don't want before then. In the absence of valid information, do not cloud the waters with invalid info.
- Change the start of your submission window to a day that's NOT April 1st.
A Hero’s Journey
So I've sent The Heart of Fire to a few people who volunteered to edit it; I haven't heard from them in a few days, so either I've stupified them with my awesome writing or my writing is soi abysmal that I compelled them to jump off a bridge. You can never tell with these sort of things...
In the meantime, inspired by Thick Skull Adventure's upcoming Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure "Attack of the Frawgs!" (which I help edit), I had an idea for a level 0 mini-adventure. I would have written it for the DCC ruleset, but all I have for now are the "beta" rules. I could have waited, I know... But I'm impatient. Once I get an idea in my head I need to get it done and out there.
So I decided to create the module using the level 0 rules for D&D 4E that were documented by the "A Hero's First Steps: Rules for Level 0 Characters" article by Philippe-Antoine Menard (a.k.a. @ChattyDM) that was published in Dragon magazine #403 (DDI subscription required). Here is the intro, in all its vague glory:
For years you have followed in the footsteps of your master, watching his every move and learning through observation and study. You longed for the day when you might actually be able to follow in his footsteps and become an adventurer yourself, basking in the fame and glory that comes with such an honor.
One day, during what should have been a normal expedition for your master and the other members of his group, everything changes. You suddenly find yourselves alone, the only hope for a city in desperate need of salvation, and you must put what you have observed in to practice. Can you step up and become the hero you were destined to be?
It's very short - less than 20 pages - and really only has a couple of encounters. I designed it with roleplaying in mind, where the players can really get in to character when their simple level 0 characters are thrust in to danger and must deal with forces beyond their understanding.
The hardest part of this module was coming up with names... The city had three different names - an online random name generator seriously suggested the name "Cloverclover" - until I settled on the name Feldspar. It's a strange name I know, but I'm sure someone can come up with a good reason for it to be called that? And I also had to find a name for a pirate ship, and even though the online "pirate ship name generator" are far from appropriate, it did help me come up with the ship name as The Red Barnacle.
Anyway, you can purchase the mini-adventure A Hero's Journey for the low price of $1.99 at Drive Thru RPG!
While I was creating the adventure, I ended up creating a tactical map that I really liked: the entrance to an underground crypt. So I decided to make that in to a high resolution image (200 DPI) and release it as a map pack. This new map pack, brilliantly titled M3: Crypt Entrance (I suck at names... sue me) is also available at Drive Thru RPG.
Once I feel comfortable about The Heart of Fire - which will hopefully be soon - that will be released.