A New Year
Holy hell, has it really been ten months since I've posted on this site? I gotta start remembering this thing exists.

Well it has finally come and gone... 2018 has been the longest decade in my life, and I think I can say the same for many of you out there.
Looking Back
There have been a few people posting about what their highlights for the past year were. Well, here are mine:
- Published Festival of Magic on the DM's Guild, which - in comparison to everything I've published - is one of my personal favorites.
- Funded the Kickstarter for the 5th Edition conversion of A Night in Seyvoth Manor, and delivered the product before Halloween. It has since become my one and only "Copper seller" on DriveThruRPG.
- Had my craptastic Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon - which is literally nothing but a stat block, a shoddy one at that, and contains no lore or art - become a "Copper seller" on the DM's Guild. I mention this only because, so far, it is the only Copper product I've done on my own in the DMG.
- Collaborated on Storm King's Barrows: Tombs and Crypts of the North, which has since become a "Silver seller" on the DM's Guild. Not my best work, but arguably my most revenue-producing thing all year.
- Released The Absent-Minded Alchemist, which was a bit of a "meh" product to start but was easy to convert from 4E.
- Funded another Kickstarter for my social adventure Uninvited Guests, which has since been renamed to Party Crashers. This Kickstarter was a "proof of concept" - to see if I can do quick and dirty one-offs with a low funding goal - and it worked, so expect me to do more of this in the coming year.
- Launched a Patreon! And the TWO backers I have so far are getting lonely, so...
That's pretty much it. It's not a lot... At a personal level, 2018 has been somewhat difficult in terms of my home life and my financial situation, and those situations are, by nature, not conducive to creativity, so I've been in a bit of a rut. But, all in all, it went better than 2017 in some regards, so there's that.
Looking Forward
So what does 2019 have in store? Honestly, I don't know yet... But here are some goals.
- Finish
Uninvited GuestsParty Crashers in the near future. - Do several more Kickstarters like
Uninvited GuestsParty Crashers over the course of the year. - See what the hell I'm finally going to do with the complete The Coming Dark campaign as well as Atomic Age. There's a lot to be done on those, and I question whether the effort is worth it right now.
- Cater to my Patreon backers more, in that I'll be creating more "behind the scenes" posts and videos (maybe). In the meantime, hope to get more than... well... two... Patreon backers.
- Hopefully set up a regular game with... somebody...
- Maybe go to GenCon. I don't know yet... I need to see if the expense really is worth it.
- Sort out my personal and financial situations so that I can do this kind of stuff more readily and with less guilt.
If you're reading this, you're one of the reasons I press on. Thank you for your support, and I hope to show you a lot more cool things in 2019.
Ever forward.