A Walk in the Dark A look in to the mind of an RPG designer



A Plea to D&D 5th Edition Playtesters

I've been a professional computer programmer for close to 30 years, and in that time I've had my share of interaction with testers Quality Assurance. My worst experience with "testers" was when I was doing video game development, both with my Quake II add-on "PainRift" and with my Half-Life total conversion "The Opera".

Gamers are a fickle bunch... They could be pleasant and very appreciative of the wonders you create, but they can also be brutally harsh. And I can tell you that it's virtually impossible to appease all of them. Look at some of the best games in history, games like Half-Life 2 or Portal 2 that have overwhelmingly positive reviews: if you dig deep enough, you will no doubt find a handful of people that hated it with a passion. And when they hate it, oh boy they are vocal. Saying "Portal 2 sucks" isn't enough... They manage to find the time to write a veritable master's thesis full of criticism.

The thing is that criticism of that nature isn't "testing"; it's opinion. If I create a video game and someone responds "this sucks", what exactly am I to do about that? How do I make it not "suck"?

I mention all of the above because of the upcoming playtest for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition... or D&D Next... or D&D Whatever It's Called™. I admire WotC's ambition to try and give the power over the game's design to the fans, but this will only work if the fans give information that's actually useful.

Just to give you an idea, here are some examples of feedback I received when I released the Beta version of "The Opera":

  • "Guns are broken": Mind you, the game was released with TWENTY-TWO different guns, ranging from pea shooters (Czech Duo, Walther PPK) to handcannons (Thompson Center Contender, Desert Eagle 50AE) to long guns (Winchester 1887, Remington 12-gauge). There were upwards of 30,000 lines of code written to make all these guns work... How am I to guess which line(s) of code is "broken"?
  • "Diving sucks": One of the aspects of TO was the ability to move in special ways, such as making John Woo-like dives and rolls with guns akimbo. Granted, mod developers don't have 100% control over player movement (or at least we didn't back then) since most of that code is internal to the game engine, so it wasn't an exact science. It was unavoidable that there be problems with collisions and the player was bound to run in to problems such as getting stuck in world geometry (like under a table or in a window); each one of these situations had to be dealt with individually on a case by case basis, so telling us that diving "sucks" really doesn't help us narrow down and correct the problem.
  • "Why didn't you include the [insert new weapon here]?": This is the worst type of feedback. No matter how big you make the game, how expansive your arsenal of weapons is, it just isn't enough because one person out there wants to see their favorite gun. And it gets worse: the theme of "The Opera" was to mimic Asian action flicks in the John Woo style of gunplay, such as the movies Hard Boiled, The Killer, etc. Although we tried to include most of the weapons seen there (the Beretta 92FS was the signature weapon, the aforementioned Thompson Contender was from Hard Boiled, etc.), people still suggested weapons that made absolutely no sense. I recall several people suggesting, quite adamantly, that we include Vulcan miniguns and rocket-propelled grenades just because they were "cool". "You know what? You should have a CHAINSAW just like Ash! That would be so awesome!" Maybe I missed something here... When did Army of Darkness join the Hong Kong blood opera genre?
  • "Why didn't you include the [insert weapon here] instead of the [insert weapon here]?" Like the above, people just aren't satisfied. We included the Beretta 92FS because it was the single most common weapon in the whole HKBO genre (heck, in at least two different movies I can think of Chow Yun Fat was carrying SIX of them on his body). But Beretta makes like 50 different weapon models, each one radically different. Nobody cared that the weapon we chose fit the theme of the Hong Kong blood opera... they prefered model XXX of the Beretta because the gun is "better" in the field or more effective in combat due to increased accuracy, larger clip, less recoil, etc. I even remember one person, who took great pride in mentioning that he was a former Marine, going in to intricate technical detail over the specifications of virtually every weapon we had and commenting on its combat effectiveness and why it would be "impractical" to use a given gun in a hostile situation. I appreciate the feedback, I really do, but we're not going to turn our game in to Call of Duty: Asian Ops.

The week after we released, our forums lit up with people grilling us over what we created. We know for a fact that the majority of people liked it, but the people that liked it were nowhere near as vocal as the few that despised it with such seething hatred that they were compelled to write volumes about how bad it was. As designers, we were forced to read those long posts that assault the very thing we've spent the last two years developing... and it hurt. It demoralized a lot of us, leaving us to wonder "why are we doing this?" The hundreds of loyal fans that loved our product were drowned out by a handful of people that sought to destroy us, and it was quite devastating.

Now, once D&D WIC™ is released that level of hatred will be unavoidable, and I'm sure that the WotC forums will be virtually unreadable (I know... they're hard to read now). But none of that helps the product.

So if you want to actually help the product, provide feedback that can be actually useful and beneficial to the designers. For example:

  • Be as detailed as possible about your play experience, from beginning to end: Note that I'm not talking about mechanics or about the nitty gritty here... Tell them what it felt like to play. What was fun, what wasn't fun, what worked and what didn't.
  • Unless told to be, do not try to be an editor: Of all the types of criticism that you can receive, the so-called "grammar nazis" are the worst. They will hate your game with a burning passion just because you used or didn't use an Oxford comma. But don't worry: part of the design process in any publication is to hire a team of editors to go through the document with a fine-toothed comb. That editing cycle may not have happened yet, or may not have been completed yet, by the time you get the testing materials. So unless WotC explicitly tells you to look for such things, do not waste time with punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, etc... There are people far more qualified than you that will do that before the product hits the shelves.
  • Be as general as possible about "game math": Do not suggest to them that an attack should create 1d8 damage instead of 1d6; that's more detail than they probably want to know at this point. Telling them that the attack causes too little or too much damage would be enough, and trust them to be able to do the math far better than you could. This playtest is not a math problem; it's a playability test to ensure that the core mechanic works. 
  • Try everything, even if you don't want to: Even in 4E, there are a lot of things that exist but haven't been errata-ed simply because people don't use them. In a recent Fourthcore Deathmatch game, we discovered a problem with a Wilden racial power, which I'm imagining went unnoticed so far because, honestly, who plays as a Wilden anyway? If you want to help create the best overall product you can, be ready to try things that you may not want to. Don't like mages? Play one anyway. Only like being elves? Be a half-orc. By trying things that you don't usually do, not only do you get to experience the things you've missed out on but you can provide valuable insight as if you were a newcomer trying the game for the first time.
  • Try the unexpected: In my first game, PainRift, one of the most vicious bugs we discovered was that the game would crash violently if two rockets collided in mid air. No amount of prepared test procedures would take such an event in to consideration, and it was up to a few players mucking about and actively trying to "break" the game to figure out the reason for it. So when you're playing, don't try to do everything "by the book"; try to do things that aren't documented, that aren't mentioned everywhere. Actively look for exploits and loopholes in the game mechanic so that they can be addressed now and not become a serious problem later. An effective tester is someone who not only tries everything that's documented, but tries to do the crazy stuff that nobody's thought of yet.
  • Have fun: Proper testing can be a grueling experience, but a necessary one. Real game testers spend hours on end playing the same game over and over again, doing repetitive tasks trying to reproduce the same nuance in game. Thankfully, D&D allows for far more flexibility, and the nature of the game itself makes it so you don't have to reproduce a "bug" in the same manner as you would in game. So if the game starts to become "not fun", that's a problem worth reporting; make note of it, explain what chain of events made the game no longer fun, then do something radically different so that the game becomes fun again. Once you do that, also document what you changed in order to make the game fun. Knowing that information will allow the designers to make the game fun more consistantly and avoid the pitfalls that lead to a un-fun game.

I hope the above helps you give WotC the kind of information they need to make the next iteration of Dungeons and Dragons the best that it can be.


EDITED: Someone actually reminded me that the Winchester in my own game was a Winchester 1887 (which was used in Terminator 2), not a Winchester 1911. I confused that weapon with the Colt 1911s (which were used in Face/Off). I think the fact that someone went through the effort to point this out more than proves my point.

EDITED #2: And it's a Czech Duo... Not a Colt Duo... Screw it, I give up. 😛

Filed under: 5E, DnD, Mechanics, RPG No Comments

The Vortex Bag

While I'm editing the rather large campaign The Heart of Fire, I figure I'd share a few of the elements from it that aren't quite spoilers but give a sense of the things I'm trying to do with this module.

Let's start off simple with a rather dangerous discovery: what if there was a Bag of Holding that is flawed, causing the pocket dimension within the bag to begin imploding?

The Vortex Bag is a seemingly innocuous bag, very similar in appearance to the traditional Bag of Holding, except that once it's open will suck in everything in the area and, once inside, begins to crush it with powerful force. The only way to avoid it is to try to crawl out of it or destroy the bag. And if one starts to bash at the bag while there are people still inside, those victims may not appreciate it much.

Hope you enjoy. Until the release of The Heart of Fire, I may be releasing a few other things. It's just so hard to decide what to reveal without spoiling it... 🙂



Pleading the Fifth

If you're reading this blog, odds are you're aware of Wizards of the Coast's announcement that the next edition of Dungeons and Dragons is currently in development.

I have refrained from posting about it because I didn't want to take part in all the rampant speculation as to what this version will entail. But one thing does concern me: the above announcement has the subtitle "Your Voice, Your Game" and describes how they will "gather feedback" to create a game "that you want to run and play."

In other words, they're asking the public what they want in D&D. This, quite honestly, could backfire.

Picture this: gather 100 random people. Now ask each of them what kind of toppings they want on their pizza. Many of them will like similar things, and there is the possibility that certain toppings might count for a significant majority... But there are going to be those that want the "weird" stuff - like anchovies or pineapple (yeah, I said it!) - and will insist that their choices are the best and not care what people think. They may even scream it out loud for everyone to hear, try to convince others that their choice of toppings are the best by explicitly describing their reasons, and rail on those that think otherwise and suggest that pepperoni on a pizza is almost as bad as murdering kittens. And there are going to be several that don't care, want a list of options so they can choose, are vegetarian, are lactose intolerant, are allergic to tomatoes, would rather have a sub, want pizza slices cut in to squares, etc... etc...

And then there are those that might want something totally oddball. For example, I know of at least one person that tried to convince me that squid on a pizza was a good idea. Really? Squid?!?

I trust the team that WotC has chosen to develop the next edition, and I know that they will do their best to create a game I and many others will want to play. But I do not envy their job; it's going to be a hard road to travel, filled with landmines and potholes. I trust they will see their way through it.

Now, what do I want out of the next version of D&D... As far as game mechanics, I'm not going to make requests. I liked 3.5 and I liked 4E, so I see no reason to hate the next version regardless of how they decide to structure it. I would much rather leave the discussions of mechanics to people more qualified to do so: designers and players alike that have played the game consistantly since the day it was created.

What I *am* interested in is the licensing aspects of the new version, and what may happen to the extremely restrictive 4E GSL. But there's a problem with that: although Cook and Mearls are in charge of designing the new game mechanic,  they are not responsible for the licensing. The licensing is in the hands of lawyers, an anonymous group hiding in the dark corners of WotC (or New York, as the case may be), and they are not the type of folk to ask the masses for suggestions on how they should license their money maker. But there has been hints that the licensing will be different, and I think that many of the non-lawyers at WotC realize the inherent flaws in the GSL, so there's hope still.

So what does this mean for publishing? As a third party publisher, we're now in a difficult situation. We could continue to create content for 4E, but in light of the announcement there mauy be several fans out there that would rather not invest in 4E - or abandon it entirely - in anticipation of the new version. Now I know that 4E isn't "dead" - there are at least three hardcover books on the schedule in 2012, so I don't think WotC is going to go dark with 4E content until the next edition comes out - but you have to wonder what kind of impact the announcement will have on their 4E product line this year.

Currently I have a few products currently in development:

  • The Heart of Fire, a 4E adventure for a party of 10th level. This module is 95% done; it only needs a few remaining scenes written up and I need to commission some artwork (including a map of the island on which it takes place). This will continue as scheduled, and if all goes well should be released within the next 2-3 weeks.
  • The Coming Dark, was to be a 4E adventure for a party of 1st level. This module was created almost a year ago, and since then I have learned a great deal about campaign design in the D&D world. As a result, I see a lot of flaws in its design (my main issue being that it could be classified as being "on rails")... so I intend to rewrite most of the module from scratch. As a result, I have decided to hold off this campaign until it can be created and released under the next edition of D&D. This of course means that it will not see the light of day for at least another year, but if it means it'll be a better product and fill the need for new content once the new edition of D&D comes out, it'll work out for the best.
  • There are at least three different module concepts I have floating around in my head right now. If they end up being small delve-like campaigns, I might release them under the 4E GSL as well. But I might also hold off some of them until I can begin their development under the new edition. We'll see how things go between now and then.

The next couple of months are going to be an interesting time. It'll surely be a fun read on Twitter, at least.

NOTE: As you may have noticed in the above, I try to refrain from calling it the "fifth edition" or "D&D Next" (as it is being called on Twitter). Right now it has no name, so I don't want to start referring to it by something that it's not. Hopefully we'll know what to call it soon.


Gamma World Remnants: Accelerator Control Robot Guardian

In Where Worlds Collide, the party first needs to gain access to the computer systems that seal off the accellerator control room of what was once CERN. The site's AI, known affectionately as C3 (short for the CERN Computing Centre), has started to charge up the accellerator and intends to unlease a miniature black hole on Gamma Terra. Once the black hole is released, Gamma Terra will collapse in to a singularity and life as we know it will end.

Despite the multiple levels of security that block access to the accelerator core, C3 felt it necessary to add one final line of defense: a massive robot it refers to as "the Guardian". This hulking behemoth was manufactured out of the heavy machinery used to assemble and maintain the LHC itself. It has a wide assortment of weapons - laser batteries, flame thrower, flame retardant systems - and two arms. One of the arms has a enormous steel fist backed by pneumatic pistons, while the other arm ends in a five foot wide buzz saw.

For this encounter I wanted to give the impression that C3 had a lot of time on its hands, so whenever it discovered another new toy it did not hesitate to weld it on to the robot's frame. Therefore, I wanted this robot to be a walking arsenal of destruction, having every weapon and the kitchen sink at its disposal. It actually is the largest single stat block I've ever created for any 4E monster.

I never got around to designing the room itself, but it was going to be a large massive chamber with the usual bells and whistles prominent in most Fourthcore adventures. Since the module was meant for a party of level 5, going up against this level 8 behemoth was going to be quite the challenge.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy this one.

Where Worlds Collide - Accelerator Control Robot Guardian (PDF)


Items of Legend

Items of Legend (4E)

About a month ago I was busy working on my next module, Heart of Fire, when I decided to take a minor diversion and do something different.

I chanced across the D&D 3.5e book Weapons of Legacy by Bruce Cordell, Kolja Raven Liquette and Travis Stout... and realized that such a thing didn't exist in 4E. The closest thing was using inherent bonuses, but beyond that players were limited as to how their weapons could be upgraded without being replaced. If you have a +3 sword you had it until you found a +4 sword, at which point you would toss the old one aside as if it was garbage or melt it down in to slag. Selling it was pointless - considering the two items are at least six levels apart the resale value would be inconsequential - so the players just threw it in a corner of the dungeon and forgot about it.

I originally set out to create a system by which a weapon could increase in power along with the player, and not just by increasing its attack bonus by one. I wanted legendary items that had a whole slew of powers that the player can use as they became "attuned" to the item over time.

But I did not want an artifact... These items aren't made to be sentient or intelligent. They do not have mood swings, have desires or get emotional. They just get more powerful, that's all.

Thus Items of Legend was born. This supplement provides basic rules for items that grow in level through exposure to the player that wields them. Included in the document are six items, some of which honestly have been influenced by video games of my past (Ultima VII, Everquest II, even a certain LucasArts game). And it's not limited to weapons; this mechanic can work for anything.

I hope this is useful to some of you. Eventually I might create more items that follow this mechanic, and I don't know if I'll post them here or make a sequel. We'll see.

For now, you can pick up Items of Legend on Drive Thru RPG! At the same time, while you're at it, all of our other products are on sale for the low price of $1.99 for today only!


I'd like to take this opportunity and thank Stephen Newton of Thick Skull Adventures (http://www.thickskulladventures.com/) for editing this document. As I've said many a time before, fluff and extended writing isn't my specialty, so my grammar and way of expressing myself has its share of issues. I appreciate his services, and he helped make this product much better than it would have been doing it myself. Thanks!